Friday, December 4, 2009

Friendster vs Facebook




It's been a while now since FB took over the place of FS when it comes to the number 1 Social Networking site. I can still remember back when I was in highschool when everyone got so addicted to Friendster. Everyone I know has one or at least 99% of my close friends. It was the "IN" thing back then. Not until last year when I first had a chance to use Facebook and since then I rarely check my Friendster account.

Today everyone was shocked... FS is back? Is this an attempt to regain it's reputation as the best Networking Site? What would people from Multiply and Myspace say about this? Multiply who's members are majority in Asia and Myspace with majority of their member are the young crowd in the US.

Windows 7

Have you tried Windows 7?

I have heard a lot of good reviews regarding this new OS from Microsoft... some even said that it's a worthy successor to XP which Vista never was.

Working in a technical account gave me an idea that it is indeed a better OS than Vista. I remember before when we had numerous complaints from customer's who first had their chance to use Vista and I was expecting that it would be the same with 7 but I was wrong. It's been more than a month now since Windows 7 was launched and I'm surprised that our site haven't had the same experience as with Vista. So I guess it is a better OS.

What do you think?